Quick Fire At The Slaughterhouse: Interview With Chad Eagleton


Chad Eagleton is a crime writer and editor. He is also writing a biography of Shane Stevens. Stevens is a highly underrated and widely unknown author, whose works demonstrate a fluency and realism that make them stand out from the crowded world of crime fiction. By Reason Of Insanity, a gruelling study of madness and criminality, is Stevens’s most famous work, while Dead City is a classic piece of gritty fiction, and they’re arguably Noir, equally unorthodox, and convey a real sense of the criminal underworld. Stevens’s versatility coupled with his secrecy as an author has made him the subject of various inaccurate speculations over the years, and there is hardly any information about him. Chad is conducting meticulous biographical research into Stevens.

Chad met me at The Slaughterhouse where we talked about why Stevens’s works distinguish themselves, and the commentary his novels offer on the great American Dream.

How do you think the novels of Shane Stevens distinguish themselves from the body of crime fiction?

Couple of ways. I think Stevens’s work perfectly encapsulates a period of American History, the vanished street life of the early 1960s through the late 1970s. However, that’s not me saying that I think his work is of mere historical interest, like DeFoe’s Journal of the Plague Year let’s say. It’s far more than that.

When crime fiction is operating at its best, it should not only be confrontational but it should be social fiction that deals honestly with real world issues that are going on right here, right now, right outside your door. Unfortunately, I think crime fiction has gotten the Times Square treatment–clean it up so it looks good for the tourists and keep the riff-raff out of sight. The narrative we are usually fed passes through this white, middle and upper class filter. So we either get this violent, wish fulfillment junk that’s supposed to titillate us on our lunch break but is no more realistic than a comic book while being half as fun. Or our American Dream middle class fantasy is shown under attack from minorities or the poor or some greedy good-for-nothing that wants what we’ve worked so hard far. Stevens’s work was different though. It dealt truthfully with things like race, poverty, class, institutionalized violence. All the issues that are back at the forefront of our national dialogue after decades.

Stevens has quite a range of material in his fictions, from the incisive exploration of a psychopathic mind in By Reason Of Insanity to the hard boiled Dead City, from Go Down Dead to The Anvil Chorus, all of them real, all different. Given your previous comments about his novels, to what extent may they be read as a dark, anti-popularist commentary on the hollowness and corruption at the heart of the great American Dream?

SHANE-STEVENS-166x250-GoDownDead_22111391._UY200_That’s exactly what they are. I mean, Stephen King didn’t say Stevens wrote three of the finest novels about the dark side of the American dream for nothing. We’re told the world functions as a meritocracy, and it does not. We’re promised that success and financial security follow as a natural result of hard work, and they do not. The system is rigged to keep you down—has been for a long time. There is a hopeless desperation to poverty that so few in the United States can really understand unless they’ve been in the trenches—like Stevens.

You know, Shane was born in Hell’s Kitchen and grew up white in Harlem. I have some copies of some letters he wrote to his first agent that are just heart-breaking, asking if he knew of any jobs because he needed money for rent and was trying to keep his family together, asking if he he’d heard anything from the contest because he needed $1k to stay out of jail. So he got it. He understood that poverty affects all your decisions. Poverty strips you, the worker, of your bargaining ability. Poverty erodes self-esteem and degrades the acceptance of your peers. Poverty devastates your health. Poverty allows alcoholism, drug use, and abuse (both physical and sexual) to flourish—contributing to a mental disconnect from our species. This disconnect reinforces the terrible notion that the world functions only on the level of power and its exchange—one of SHANE-STEVENS-166x250-WayUptownInAnotherWorld_8105635950the main re-occurring themes in every single one of Shane Stevens novels.

This rigged systems taints our ability for compassion. The biggest part of compassion comes from the ability to set aside your own experience and really understand what someone else has experienced. But when all that is being gamed, well, then poor is framed as a “choice”—which is bullshit because no one would ever choose to be poor. But you see, when poor is framed that way, then the poor can be scapegoated to distract you, and the criminal can be treated simply as the aberration that won’t do what he’s supposed and so ruins it for everyone.

It’s easy, I think to be sidetracked by the race issue with Stevens’s early books. Go Down Dead, Way Uptown In Another World, and Rat Pack all feature African-American characters and, at least partially, take place in Harlem. But race is, I think, meaningless to Stevens. Race is another distraction from class. A beautiful example of this occurs in Rat Pack when the gang breaks into the empty courthouse and finds a white repairman working alone. As the tension escalates, Stevens jumps between everyone’s different points of view and we see clearly how both the black youths and the white repairman are SHANE-STEVENS-166x250-RatPack_8436013essentially in the same place, struggling to get by and feeling like they have no options, while thinking essentially the same thing about each other: you’ve got it so easy and it’s your fault I haven’t had that success and financial security I was promised.

I also have a copy of a letter Stevens wrote to Charles Harris that lays it all out clearly: “What’s happening is that this is a class struggle going on in this insane country. Of which white racism is a part. What counts is not skin color but life style: money, Charles, money. The question is how you live—that determines what side of the gun you’re on. Now the people of all colors who are poor are beginning to move and they’re moving against those who keep them down. Middle class America: with its false liberals, its private ownership of everything needed to live, its slave state mentality and racist theology…”

Much of the greatest writing is about divergence and transgression. In Peter Shaeffer’s play Equus, about a schizophrenic blinding horses, the disillusioned psychiatrist who is treating him, says, ‘passion is about getting your own spirit through your own suffering, that is what that boy has done here,’ as he rejects his training. Stevens writes a lot about the edge of normality and shows how norms are shaped by social lies and repression. How much do you think that as society is engineered towards a conformity to a norm that is addictive and deluded, writers have duty to challenge and subvert that ideology?

Society is engineered toward conformity because conformity is comforting. That’s how our monkey brain is wired. It’s scary and dangerous to be the monkey who leaves the forest floor and the troop to see what’s on the other side of the river. Unfortunately, conformity also makes it easier for us to be controlled. I mean, what’s one of the first things you learn in school? How to stand in line and follow the person in front of you, right? Or where you and everyone else goes when a bell rings. And conformity too is a beloved tool used to sell you junk you don’t need. All of which in turn plays into our resistance to change and our deep hunger for continuity. Deeply, deeply human stuff we’ve been dealing with and trying to figure out since we were capable of trying to figure anything out really, right? I mean, the entirety of Buddhist thought is about how to deal with our resistance to change and impermanence.

But none of that—conformity, resistance to change, blind need for continuity—is useful to our growth or progress as either a person or as a society. It’s like Eugene Debs said, “If it had not been for the discontent of a few fellows who had not been satisfied with their conditions, you would still be living in caves. Intelligent discontent is the mainspring of civilization. Progress is born of agitation. It is agitation or stagnation.”

So I absolutely believe challenging and subverting conformity are part of the writer’s duty. A lot of people say a writer’s job is to be a professional liar. No. Stories are how we convey knowledge, they’re how we make sense of tough things, and they’re how we confront what should be confronted. I think a writer’s job is to tell the truth and the truth is always confrontational. Even if the story you’re telling is wrapped in bright shell of fantasy and make-believe, you should be able to crack that bastard open and find the truth in the center. That’s what I think the old writing adage “write what you know” means. What you know is the truth about your world, about your society, about your government, and about being human.

You know, to bring it specifically back to Stevens, I’m reminded too of a brief mention Jo LeCoeur gives Stevens in her article on John William Corrington and his contribution to the English Department as LSU. She writes, “Beatnik-attired, Bread Loaf Fellow Shane Stevens was on stage in spring 1970, his reading calling for armed rebellion against the white power structure for sending Puerto Ricans, blacks, and hippies to die in Vietnam.”

Rat Pack and Way Uptown In Another World are both gritty street novels, but to what extent do you find poetry in Stevens’s voice and what do you think his legacy is in the ongoing canon of crime fiction?

I think there’s poetry in everything he’s written:

“People dumping everything out the windows and buildings just crumpling down where they is. Must be hundred million bricks out there all worn and useless. Like mostly everything round here. Couple kids playing in the garbage and watching out they don’t step on broke bottles. They think this just a game what little kids play till they is grow up. They don’t know that what they whole life is going be. Just garbage and broke bottles.” Go Down Dead

“Ginny never really had a chance. The sick got her and the misery got her and then the dead got her. She didn’t know anybody much and she was scared of all the paper stuff and she was too proud to ask other people for help. She was a Southern girl who didn’t understand the strange and easy ways of the North and she never got used to the cold.”Way Uptown In Another World

“I have been shot, stabbed, beaten, gassed, stomped, whipped, jailed and had acid thrown on me. I have smelled death, seen its shadow and heard its cry. Violence has been my natural playground, and I know a little about it. And about the darker side of violence too, the violence that is within oneself. It’s just beneath the surface, lurking there, waiting, always ready to smash and destroy. Within each of us is this terrible beast; its screamings are maddening and, sometimes, unbearable. Then the violence erupts. The results are always tragic.”The White Niggers of the 70s

“The girl in my building is running scared.”A Day Like Any Other Day in Junk City

“In the crashpad existence of most East Village writers, probably the only thing in common is the fierce determination to write, to shake, to move minds, whether it be on paper, film, stage or brick wall.”The East Village

SHANE-STEVENS-166x250-ByReasonOfInsanity_au-dela-du-mal-477574As far as his legacy? That’s hard to say. A lot of times, it’s hard to measure influence directly. But, probably and unfortunately, not much right now. Especially in the States where pretty much everything except for By Reason of Insanity is out of print. SHANE-STEVENS-166x250-DeadCity_th_0881848921I think he’s mostly a footnote or simply that guy Stephen King mentioned in The Dark Half.

It would help, I think, if his work would get reprinted in the States. I don’t know when that’ll happen though. A while back I put Lee Goldberg in touch with Shane’s agent. Lee wanted to release Dead City as an eBook through his Brash Books imprint but the agent relayed a “pass”. Which is a damned shame, but what are you going to do? Stevens being mostly forgotten is the main reason I started researching the man and working on a biography in the first place.

Thank you Chad for an informative interview.

CHAD-EAGLETON-300x300_ PicBio:
Chad Eagleton is a Spinetingler Award nominee and a two-time Watery Grave Invitational finalist. He formerly served as a reader for Needle: A Magazine of Noir and as co-editor for the Beat To A Pulp webzine. His work is available in print, ebook, and online. Most recently, he completed Hoods, Hot Rods, and Hellcats, a 1950s-themed crime fiction anthology featuring an introduction from counterculture legend Mick Farren (Amazon US and UK). He has several new works forthcoming and is, in fact, still working on his Shane Stevens biography. In the meantime, join his fray at: dimestoreriot.com and find him on Twitter here.

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Quick Fire At The Slaughterhouse: Interview With Louise Phillips

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Louise Phillips is a critically acclaimed psychological crime novelist. Her debut, Red Ribbons, was nominated for the Best Irish Crime Novel of the Year 2012 and her second, The Doll’s House, won the award a year later. Her third, Last Kiss, was shortlisted and now she has a new one out, The Game Changer. Louise met me at The Slaughterhouse, where we talked about her new release and threats to the family in her fictions.

Tell us about your latest novel.

 photo LPHILLIPS_350X228_The Game Changer.pngThe Game Changer, like my previous novels, is a psychological thriller. It features criminal psychologist, Dr Kate Pearson, who works with the Irish police force profiling criminals.

The story opens with a vicious killing in New York and a suspected suicide in Dublin. Although Kate is on leave from work, spending more time with her young son, Charlie, she is soon dragged into the mix.

A personal connection quickly becomes apparent, as Kate discovers she went missing as a child, but her mind has blocked out the memory. Soon, she gets an anonymous note under her door with the words ‘I remember you Kate..’

The story has a multi-layered plot with family secrets and the sins of the father having repercussions long after death.

The character of the Game Changer stalks Kate, wishing to seek revenge. A dangerous individual with a narcissistic personality, the Game Changer is also luring vulnerable individuals into a cult under the guise of a self-help group, and there are deadly consequences for everyone involved, including Kate.

How central are threats to the family to your fictions?

I guess it’s no accident that the main protagonist in my novels is a mother with a young son, nor is it surprising that I write about family a lot, good ones and dysfunctional ones. I’ve experienced both.

I think, our past deeply influences who we become, and the same goes for characters in a story. The opening quote of The Game Changer is one from Chesterson – ‘When we step into a family, by the act of being born, we step into a world which is incalculable, into a world which has its own strange laws….’

Consciously or otherwise, somehow my novels are filled with fear, both to the family, and from the family. The family unit, is the first structure of life we come to know. It can be happy and safe, or dangerous and scary. The fallout from both means that those who least expect it, can be hit the hardest.

For me, family is enormously important, including my protection of it. In hindsight, I’ve come to realize that through writing I have tried to face my own worst fears. In Red Ribbons, the first novel, it was young girls at risk, in The Doll’s House, the close relationships of the protagonist, held the most danger, and in Last Kiss the story looked at the fallout of early childhood, posing the big question, how much of who we are is down to nature or nurture? Finally, in The Game Changer, inner family dangers had the potential to fuel external ones.

So to get back to your original question, threats to the family are a big part of my fiction, partly because there is so much to lose, including the people you love most in the world.

How important is the antagonist in your writing and would you say he or she is as important as the protagonist?

Very important. I’ve no interest in characters populating the fictional world unless they have earned their place there. When it comes to antagonists, they are a fundamental part of the high stakes in a crime novel. I want readers to know them. I equally want them to know what they are capable of, and hopefully see the humanity in them. This is not to support what they do, but their actions/desires must be plausible. If they are, they will appear human, and not some hidden monster unlike them. Being fully formed, you hopefully create real fear, basically, because we see ourselves in them. When it comes to ‘bad guys’, finding the ‘who’ is often part of the mystery, but for me, this shouldn’t be done by having a one-dimensional character. They have to be fully formed and visible.

The antagonist versus the protagonist is a tricky one. I try not to purposely make one more powerful than the other, except perhaps that goodness and hope will very often win out over bad, especially in the fictional world .It’s partly why so many people enjoy crime fiction. There is a justice within it that isn’t always found in the real world. At times, I’ve walked a delicate line when it comes to my protagonists and antagonists, where the understanding of the ‘why’ behind a person’s action has the potential to tilt the balance in one or the other’s favour. Overall though, I like to keep it real. People, and therefore characters, are grey, not black and white, but I guess we all root for the good guy in the end, even me!

What else is on the cards for you this year?

I’ve recently been longlisted for a CWA Dagger in the Library Award, which is great, but whatever happens, I’m happy to be on the longlist. I’ll continue to teach Crime Fiction Writing at the Irish Writers’ Centre in Dublin, and I’m sure I’ll squeeze some holiday and family time in too. Hopefully, one way or another, there will be plenty of creativity!

Thank you Louise for a great interview.

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‘The Game Changer’ can be found at
Amazon UK in paperback and Kindle formats
and Amazon US in paperback and Kindle

For ePUB, there’s eBook MallKobo or click on Hachette UK’s Buy link here to see other options for eBook, iBook, and paperback versions.

Find Louise Phillips on her website, blog, Twitter @LouiseMPhillips and Facebook

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Quick Fire At The Slaughterhouse: Interview With Bobby Nash

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Bobby Nash is an award-winning author who writes a little bit of everything including novels, comic books, short prose, graphic novels, screenplays, media tie-ins. Between writing deadlines, Bobby is an occasional actor and extra in movies and television. The re-release of his first new novel has been published. Bobby met me at The Slaughterhouse where we talked about the publishing landscape today and genre fiction.

How do you see the publishing landscape today in its need for formula when there is so much more out there?

There are so many published genres, including mash-ups of genres readily available now from all corners of the world. If there’s a niche, then there is probably a book or book series out there to fill it. As great as it is that so many stories are available in paper, electronic, and audio, it also makes it harder for the readers to find exactly what they’re looking for in a sea of books. It is more imperative than ever, I think, for authors to know how to market their work lest they get lost on that sea of books. The change in how entertainment, not just books, but also movies, music, TV, news, etc. reaches the end user has changed and we, as the ones making that content, that entertainment, have to learn new ways to let readers know our work is out there and ready for them.

There was a time when a publisher could say, “westerns don’t sell” so that meant that if you were an author of westerns, your options were severely limited. That is not so much the case these days. Today, western authors can bypass those who say that those types of novels won’t sell and sell them directly to the audience that is looking for them. While that audience might be too small for a large publisher, it’s not too small for an independent author. It’s a brave new, sometimes scary, world.

Tell us about Evil Ways.

BNash_350x244-Evil-Ways photo BNash_350x244_Evil Ways HC Front FINAL 12-6-15.jpgEvil Ways was actually my first published novel, released back in 2005. I was a published writer in comic books and newspaper/magazines, but Evil Ways was my big leap into novel-length prose. I love a good thriller so I decided to try my hand at one. The idea for Evil Ways started not as a novel, but as a movie. A filmmaker friend of mine wanted to move from filming shorts to a movie. I pitched an idea about someone stalking and killing a group of friends in town for a reunion and the authorities trying to catch him. My friend passed on the idea, but I tweaked it and added and deleted elements until it became Evil Ways.

Evil Ways follows FBI Agent Harold Palmer. After a close call on the job, he takes a much deserved break to reconnect with his younger brother, something that has been long overdue. Franklin Palmer is a newspaperman, who lives in a small North Georgia town called Sommersville where he bought the local newspaper and is trying to keep his head above water. The murder of a young woman is the big story when Harold comes to town and he, Franklin, and the local sheriff, Tom Myers, find themselves on the trail of a killer out for revenge on a group of locals who have returned home for their 10th high school reunion. What strange secret do they have that makes them the target of the killer stalking them?

To celebrate the 10th anniversary last year, a new cover was designed for the anniversary edition, which was released. A sequel, called Evil Intent, is scheduled to premiere later this year. Evil Intent will see Harold Palmer back in action with the FBI just a few short months after the end of Evil Ways.

Do you think too much crime fiction sanitises crime?

Possibly. I think we’ve all gotten used to reading (or watching in TV and movies) fights, gunshots, and things like that. As crime writers, we have to bring something new to the crimes so that the reader doesn’t feel that they’ve seen all this before. I don’t want to desensitize my audience from the brutality of crime, and I’ve killed a lot of characters in my books, but I also try not to sensationalize it either. Wherever I can, I like to leave some of the details of the brutality of the crimes in my novels to the reader’s imagination. I’ve found that makes it much more graphic than anything I could have written. I don’t want my readers, or myself, to start to think of certain crimes as “safe” or “boring”.

What else is on the cards for you this year?

2016 looks to be a busy one. In April, Moonstone Books is releasing the Sherlock Holmes/Domino Lady trade paperback collection that includes the 2 issues comic series by Nancy Holder and me. It also includes Nancy’s prose story from the Domino Lady “Sex As A Weapon” anthology where Holmes and Domino Lady and a new prose adventure featuring the duo by me. In May, also from Moonstone, is the first issue of the new Domino Lady: Threesome team-up comic book series. Domino Lady joins forces with 2 heroes in each issue to thwart the bad guys. Issues 1 and 2 are co-written by Nancy Holder and me. I take over as solo writer with issue #3. 2016 is the 10th anniversary of Lance Star: Sky Ranger and we’ll see 2 reprint collections and a new full-length novel written by me out this year. The Evil Intent novel, which we talked about earlier, will be out this year. The Ruby Files vol. 2 is a collection of pulpy p.i. stories coming soon. Strong Will is a graphic novel co-written and created by Michael Gordon and myself with art by Wendell Cavalcanti and Rob Jones that will be out later this year as well. There are several other things as well, but I don’t exact release dates yet. That’s just a few of the books coming out. I still have a lot of writing to finish up as well. The best place to keep up with all of my upcoming projects is at www.bobbynash.com.

Thank you Bobby for an informative interview.

 photo BNash_240x240-auth-pic.jpgLinks:

Evil Ways can be had on Amazon US and UK

See all Bobby’s works on his website, on his Amazon author pages US and UK and Ben Books

Connect with Bobby on Facebook, Twitter @bobbynash, and Google+. See his website for more places.

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